For years the mp3 ruled the world and everyone used it. This format was used for music, whether a person just downloaded a song, or they decided to rip a song off of their favorite CD. No matter what it was, all files ended up in mp3 format. As of late though, things seem to have changed. Instead of mp3, we now have mp4, which is yet another type of multimedia container. This format, having been release by Apple has taken the world by storm. The biggest reason that more and more people are using it is simple because it has some abilities that the normal mp3 format does not.
One thing that users of the mp4 format are going to notice right away is that the mp4 doesn't just play music, it plays video. What does this mean exactly? It means that you don't have to have two different formats when you play your video files and your music files. Of course this gets a little bit confusing after a while, so Apple popularized the format m4A which was exactly the same as the mp4 format, but it was easier to tell when a video was being played in a stream.
So which iPods are able to take advantage of this technology? Actually all of them have the ability. That's right, every single iPod ever made is able to use mp4, though not all of them can play video. You can try to play some video on your iPod shuffle but you probably aren't going to get very far with that. The 8GB iPod models, as well as the iPod touch are capable of showing crisp clear video using this format, and you will find that the battery on the iPod touch can last for up to twenty four hours.
You can still use AVI formats in your iPod, of that there is no doubt, but there are a few things that you need to remember. While your iPod may be 5 to 8 GB, that is actually a pretty small space. AVI files are usually uncompressed and will take up a huge amount of space on the iPod. This is exactly why mp4's are important. Yes, they will still take up quite a bit of space, but it is considerably less than a raw AVI file.
The resolution of the video on each iPod differs depending on what sort of iPod you have. For example, on the 5-8 GB models, you will find that the resolution is just 320x240. On the iPod touch however, the resolution is actually 640x480, which is pretty nice for a hand held device. Your dependence on portable video will probably be the determining factor in what sort of iPod you ultimately purchase.
The iPod is capable of doing some amazing things, and you will be able to enjoy hours of entertainment whether you are at home or on the go. No matter what it is you want to watch, you can watch it easily on the iPod. So if you're in the market for some great video and audio, then go with the iPod.
Learn how iPods work and why people love them at:
iPod Video.
By Rita Lambros-Segur
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